/war invite,guild name,fraglimit Send an invitation to start a war. Example: war invite,Black Ninjas,150
/war invite,guild name,fraglimit,money,time Send an invitation to start a war.
Example: war invite,Black Ninjas,150,10000,3 day's /war accept,guild name Accept the invitation to start a war. /war reject,guild name Reject the invitation to start a war. /war end,guild name Ends an active war with another guild. /war cancel,guild name This will cancel the invitation to the guild Black Ninjas /balance donate 1234 Command for founder of guilds for pay money /balance pick 1234 Command for founder of guilds for payout money
OBS: Ao resgatar você irá resgatar apenas 1 recompensa.
A recompensa irá para sua conta.
Para resgatar basta digitar dentro do jogo no personagem escolhido !reward.
As recompensas irão para o seu personagem!.